Yoga teaches you to love yourself.

Your Yoga & Healing Retreat

Body and mind are strengthened, form a unity and you feel complete. Your attention is focused on your physical self: Stress is reduced, your nervous and immune systems are supported and your musculoskeletal system is strengthened. Your higher self experiences the same devotion. Through breathing exercises and meditation, blockages are released, your mind is cleared and brought to rest. Get to know yourself anew, feel your change, accept yourself. Love yourself as you are.

Your next Yoga & Healing Retreat

Your individual sessions 

Raise your awareness to the next level. Through simple exercises and practical impulses, mental blockages are dissolved and self-confidence is gained. Learn to deal with your fears, face them head-on and transform them into positive energy. Use this energy to realize your visions and live your new, fulfilled self. I'm doing really well. Because I am consciously aware of myself.

Your Spiritual Business & Money Empowerment Coaching for spiritual growth, money flow, leadership, success and fulfillment in your business. I will take you on a journey to your inherent genius, to your
truth and to your hidden creative power. Because you can run your business with ease and joy. Become the successful and most fulfilled leader of your company.

Together we discover the magic of your life and show you how to use the universal laws for your life and business to create a life full of abundance.


Only available in German!

Experience the deep meaning of the Primordial Sound Meditation in four sessions and feel its effects on your entire being. Feel connected to yourself and to your environment. I do feel really good. Because I am aware of the connection to myself.


1st unit: You dive into the world of primal sound meditation and choose your personal primal sound.

2nd unit: Through a ceremony and meditation you receive your personal mantra.

3rd unit: You experience the meaning of the primal sound and learn how to practice a lifetime of fulfilling meditation.

4th unit: You achieve new states of consciousness through regular meditation.


Only possible on request! Meditation course approx. 3.5 hours on one or two days incl. workbook.

Open yourself up to different yoga styles and experience an expansion of consciousness. You will learn to calm your mind, stop the carousel of thoughts and find your place of power in everyday life. Feel the connection to your body, create awareness for your actions and being.

Request a single lesson

Just drop us an email to arrange your one-to-one lesson.

Spiritual Yoga:

Dive deep into your inner self with the help of breathwork, mantras and rituals and awaken your spiritual self.

Yoga Nidra:

Discover your deepest consciousness and glide through deep relaxation into a state of psychic sleep.

Emotional RElease:

 Change old beliefs, release mental blockages and transform your confidence.

I feel really good. Because I am rediscovering myself.

In our fast-paced western world, yoga has become a trend. A trend that leads to an oversupply. Keep the essential core of Indian philosophy in mind. Experience yoga as a healing teaching, as a philosophy, as your personal path to yourself. Regardless of whether you already have experience and want to deepen your knowledge. Or whether you are discovering the world of yoga for the first time. Join us in laying the foundations for a mindful everyday life, more concentration and joie de vivre.

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