Treatment & Coaching

Emotional & spiritual accompaniment

Your emotional & spiritual support

More and more people no longer see any meaning in their lives, can no longer cope with the pressure to perform in today's society, with the demands that life constantly places on each and every one of us, and fall into a veritable crisis of meaning. They suffer from self-doubt, negative thoughts, chronic stress, exhaustion, sleep disorders and other mental and physical symptoms.


Harald Nieder can help you to get to the bottom of your individual values and purpose and support you in challenging life questions, so that your individual, very own answers can come into the world.

Find yourself with European Ayurveda

What would it be like if,

Our unconscious often already knows the answers that still seem a long way off for our conscious mind. For this reason, Harald Niederl also incorporates the unconscious into his work by means of imagination. Look forward to a journey into your inner world that will help you achieve greater satisfaction and inner freedom.

Harald Niederl

Psychosocial counselor

Your consultations

Emotional and spiritual accompaniment

Duration: approx. 60 min

Price per unit: 130€

Just let go - fears, worries, guilt - everything that we carry around with us all day and robs our energy, just let go. In a trustworthy setting you can get everything off your chest to clear your heart and head. By talking things out, sorting thoughts, allowing feelings and becoming inwardly calm and free again. Together we will create your personal roadmap for sustainable joy of life.

Advice on stress management and burnout prevention

Duration: approx. 60 min

Price per unit: 130€

Stress is less related to situational factors than to the meaning we attribute to them. After an assessment of your private and/or professional stress situations, we turn our attention to your mental level. What thoughts and behavioral patterns promote your stress experience and what needs are hidden here? The more aware you are of what exactly stresses you out, the more calmly you can react.

Would you like to feel more contentment and inner freedom in your life again? Then we recommend a session with Harald Niederl. Just click on the button and send us a request.


All units can be booked as individual sessions or in addition to our cures and programs. 

I feel really good.
Because I take care of myself and experience more joy and lightness in my life again.

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