Treatment & Coaching

Emotional & spiritual accompaniment

Your emotional & spiritual support

In times of constant accessibility, permanent stress and the urge for perfection, more and more people suffer from sleep problems, self-doubt and emotional pressure. First symptoms like exhaustion and negative thoughts are spreading and you don't feel comfortable in your skin anymore... these can be warning signs that tell you that you should change something in your life.


At the European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof we help you find your way back to your true self and into a life full of self-love and inner contentment. An emotional and spiritual accompaniment can help to heal deep-seated old wounds and to free yourself from unhealthy thought and life patterns.

Healing psyche and emotions with European Ayurveda®.

What would it be like if,

With the help of relaxation and body exercises you can uncover disharmonies and initiate harmonious processes. You turn to your unconscious soul parts and stimulate the self-healing process. In addition, new impulses are set for a self-determined, serene future with more self-love.

Harald Niederl

Psychological counselor

Your consultations

Emotional and spiritual accompaniment

duration: approx. 55 min

Price per unit: 130€

Just let go - fears, worries, guilt - everything that we carry around with us all day and robs our energy, just let go. In a trustworthy setting you can get everything off your chest to clear your heart and head. By talking things out, sorting thoughts, allowing feelings and becoming inwardly calm and free again. Together we will create your personal roadmap for sustainable joy of life.

Inner child healing and transformation of negative emotions

duration: approx. 55 min

Price per unit: 130€

Together we will shed light on your negative emotions and explore the underlying beliefs. Where do your values and beliefs come from? Are they helpful for a positive attitude towards life? What contact do you have with your inner child? Are there events in your past that need healing and reconciliation? With the help of guided meditations and mindfulness exercises you can lovingly meet your inner child and thereby rediscover yourself. This will allow you to blossom into a whole new positive self-esteem. When you bring peace into your biography, energy is released for your ideas and your creative power.

Lifestyle advice

duration: approx. 85 min

Price per unit: 190€

Lifestyle means the sum of all our areas of life. How do you treat yourself? How do you experience yourself in your social environment? How are you doing in your job? In a joint conversation we will find out in which area you wish for change and healing. The techniques of life counseling enable a quick implementation of solutions and help to uncover hidden potentials. Because there is so much more to you than just "functioning". Let yourself be surprised by a new, lustful attitude towards life, when the glasses of the "old habits" are taken off.

Stress Management-
coaching & burnout prevention

duration: approx. 85 min

Price per unit: 190€

Stress is less related to situational factors than to the importance we attribute to them. After a survey of your private and/or professional stressful situations, we turn our attention to your mental level. Which thoughts and behavior patterns promote your stress experience and which needs are hidden here? The more aware you are of what drives you up the wall, the more calmly you can react. In addition, we take time for your personal relaxation strategies.

Do you want to close old wounds, release blockages and free yourself for a positive future? Then we recommend a session with Harald Niederl. Just click on the button and send us a request.


All sessions can be booked individually and separately to our cures and programs. 

I feel really good.
Because I take care of myself and experience more joy and lightness in my life again.

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