Treatment & Coaching

Pulse diagnosis

Your Ayurveda pulse diagnosis

Pulse diagnosis: An integral part of Ayurvedic medicine with thousands of years of tradition. Your pulse reflects your body and your psyche. It forms a direct link to disorders and gives insight into deep-seated problems. Through your pulse an Ayurvedic doctor can read information of your organs. Thus it can be recognized whether a certain organ has normal and healthy vibrations or a disturbance.

In order to be able to guarantee you a reliable diagnosis, specialized Ayurveda doctors are at your side at the European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof. Mr. Gaurav Sharma (B.A.M.S.) and Mrs. Rajat Vashisht (B.A.M.S.) feel your pulse. The index, middle and ring fingers are placed on the inside of your wrist.

Different levels of the pulse are made accessible with different levels of pressure. They provide information about the overall energetic state of your organism. The levels provide an overall picture of countless possible combinations that allow a comprehensive diagnosis of possible physical and psychological problems.

The pulse diagnosis can determine, for example, which organ needs support, what exactly the problem is and how it affects your health.

In an additional consultation, detailed questions are asked about nutrition, digestion, sleep patterns and the larger context of your life. Your answers will help to accurately determine your constitution.

What your pulse reveals about your constitutional type

Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The three doshas of Ayurvedic teachings - your life energies that determine your entire being and existence. With the help of Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis, your constitutional type can be determined and disorders in your body identified. Because only when your doshas are in harmonious balance will you be completely healthy and happy. With an individual treatment and nutrition program, you can compensate for imbalances and tap into your full strength and energy.

Book your Ayurveda pulse diagnosis

with our European Ayurveda® specialists

I feel really good.
Because I am in harmony with myself.

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