European Ayurveda®

Philosophy & Trademark

European Ayurveda®: Your Modern Lifestyle since 2006

"There is a reason why we were born in Europe and that is why we should work with the treasures of our native nature". This guiding principle is the cornerstone for European Ayurveda®. Brigitte and Elisabeth Mauracher: Two women who have always trusted the power of nature. But also two women who felt very early that they belonged to the world of European Ayurveda®. And these two passions combined, make them pioneers of European Ayurveda®. And the founders of the AyurvedaCenter at the European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof. Here we live today the unique symbiosis of the power of the Ayurvedic life teachings and the European culture. 

european ayurveda resort sonnhof

Because despite all equality, we are all different. The western world is plagued by health problems and societal diseases that do not play a role in the Far East. Migraines and back pain from constant computer work. Stress and burnout due to a tight daily routine. The feeling of no longer feeling yourself properly. Losing touch with your innermost self. Driven by social pressures, rushing from one appointment to the next and completely forgetting to live. And this is exactly where we come in. With the knowledge of far-sighted orthodox doctors, the power of millennium-old healing teachings and the regional connection to the western world. This symbiosis is reflected in all our actions and being. In the treatments, the nutrition, the consultation. I feel really good. Because I can discover my new lifestyle.

Our 3 fields of competence

EA® Detox

Let go of ballast and thereby strengthen your health, that is the goal of EA® Detox. During a Detox cure you will experience a deep cleansing. Toxins and metabolic residues are eliminated. Through detoxification your immune system is strengthened, joint and back problems as well as states of exhaustion are alleviated. EA® Detox supports you in permanently improving your lifestyle, reducing weight and sustainably reducing stress. Enjoy your new attitude towards life.

EA® Balance

Your everyday life is marked by stress, the mental merry-go-round keeps turning and you can't find any sleep? Then it's time for an EA® Balance cure. Get emotionally centered with special treatments against stress. Recover from illness, strengthen your immune system and regenerate body, mind and soul. When your physical and mental energy stores are filled up, you will feel really good again.

EA® Medical Healthcare

Trust in the healing knowledge of Ayurveda and benefit from the findings of conventional medicine at the same time - that's EA® Medical Healthcare. Under medical supervision, effective techniques such as acupuncture, manual therapy and neurocybernetic therapy are used to release blockages, alleviate pain and clear your body emotionally. Experience an Ayurvedic treatment that is unique in this form!

The 6 pillars of the
European Ayurveda®

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What European Ayurveda® changes in your life

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What European Ayurveda® is changing in the world

Our communal life 

Fulfilled and happy people radiate into the world. Through holistic knowledge and an inner balance, a peaceful and sustainable coexistence emerges. For a conscious interaction with our fellow human beings. 

Our environment

European Ayurveda® is sustainability in action. Vegetarian dishes according to the Far Eastern healing teachings with regional products and spices from the family farm. For a conscious interaction with our nature.

Our methods

We recognise our true core and live mindfulness. We are not only conscious about our inner world, but are also focused on understanding the other person. For a conscious interaction in our professional life.

The principles of the European Ayurveda® Lifestyle

Recognise your inner strengths and learn to use them correctly. For a successful and harmonic life. 

Living in the now. Feel the power of the Far Eastern healing teachings with the spirit of the Western world.

Your body, mind and soul bein in harmony with your environment, your fellow human beings and your surroundings.

Draw strength from nature and use it in your everyday life.

For better health, well-being, power and strength.

Live the best version of yourself.

Become a part of our European Ayurveda® Community!

You listen to your body, mind and soul and want to know how you can live healthier in your everyday life? You are interested in Ayurveda and its philosophy?


Follow us on Instagram and become part of the community! You will receive regular insights into our resort and valuable tips from our Ayurveda experts that are easy to implement in everyday life! Immerse yourself in the world of European Ayurveda®.

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