What is European Ayurveda®?

Ayurveda is an Indian art of healing with a long tradition. Translated, the term means "knowledge of life". But life looks very different in different cultures. 

Over the first few years, we slowly realized that the needs of Indians and Europeans differ. This is how we finally developed the concept of European Ayurveda®.

Ayurveda in India and Europe - these are the differences

Life in India and Europe is different in many respects. The differences in terms of climate, culture and eating habits are quite obvious. 

But the stresses that people are exposed to are also different: In India, people's physical stress levels are higher, whereas in Europe, the majority of problems are emotional in origin. 

Ayurveda always treats body, mind and soul, but in India it focuses more on the physical level. European Ayurveda®, on the other hand, looks a little different. For Europeans, we need to focus more on emotional stress

We try to combine the teachings of Ayurveda with our culture in Europe. This allows us to work with our valuable local resources and still draw on the profound knowledge of the Indian way of life.

Yoga and massages at European Ayurveda®

People in the western world are constantly comparing themselves with others. They usually live in the future and are literally driven.

That's why they also need slower, gentler Ayurvedic massages, for example, where they can calm down and relax

Yoga in European Ayurveda

We also have a different focus when it comes to yoga. We have therefore decided to offer mindful yoga programs and yoga sessions - also more for the mind, because the mind always wants to be busy with Europeans.

The asanas that we practise with our guests are more about experience, about feeling your own body and not about performance, acrobatics or maximum stretching. Breathing is also very important.

Nutrition in European Ayurveda®

In addition to restorative exercises for the mind, the body should also come to rest. The right diet is important for this. But everyone eats differently.

The dishes we offer should not only fill you up, but also nourish your body, mind and soul. We have therefore made adjustments. 

The Indian diet is too foreign and too complicated for us; it contains too many unknown spices. This diet is based on a real philosophy of when to use which spice and in which combination. And so it became clear to us that we had to find a more practical and easier to understand way.

Nutrition in European Ayurveda

It has always been important to us that we offer something that can be continued at home. We use regional foods that people are familiar with. And we use unfamiliar spices sparingly - partly because our bodies are overwhelmed by them if they have only ever known salt and pepper. 

The recipes must not be overly complicated either, otherwise no one will dare to try them. Simple, practical and easy to understand: this is the direction in which we have developed our Ayurvedic diet.

Meditation and mindset in European Ayurveda®

Meditation is another thing. In India, many people are used to meditating for long periods of time and simply sitting quietly on a cushion.

Most Europeans don't find this easy. They need guided meditation, perhaps a little music and a fragrance. They respond to this and find it much easier to relax. 

Meditation and mindset in European Ayurveda

We have therefore developed short meditations that you can do in between and designed the rituals in such a way that they are easier for Europeans to integrate into their everyday lives. Ultimately, it's always about meeting people where they are. 

Last but not least, the mindset is also very important. In European Ayurveda, we make sure that we send out positive and grateful thoughts. Because we know that everything is energy.

Experience European Ayurveda® at Sonnhof Tirol

Would you like to immerse yourself in European Ayurveda®? At the Hotel Sonnhof in Tyrol, you can enjoy various Ayurveda cures and programs and bring your body, mind and soul back into harmony. 

No matter whether you want to get rid of the stress of everyday working life or cleanse your body with a comprehensive detox cure. With our personal consultation, you are sure to find the right program for you!

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Elisabeth Mauracher

Elisabeth Mauracher

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Elisabeth Mauracher

Elisabeth Mauracher


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