Ayurveda for colds: 10 tips for a sore throat & co.

Especially in the cold winter months, the human organism is increasingly preoccupied with defending itself against illness. Ayurvedic teachings offer great ways to treat and prevent colds. Read this article to find out how Ayurveda can help you with a cold and 10 tips against sore throats and the like.

Causes of colds from an Ayurvedic perspective

Around half of all people in Germany suffer from a cold once a year. This is usually accompanied by symptoms such as coughing, fatigue or a scratchy throat. The cold months in particular are known for the increased incidence of such infections. 

While GPs often prescribe antipyretics, painkillers or expectorants, Ayurveda offers a natural alternative for relief . Ayurvedic teachings view people as individuals and take a holistic approach to treatment. This involves both treating the common cold and preventing it in the long term by strengthening your immune system.

Causes of colds in Ayurveda

In winter, the three bioenergies Vata, Pitta and Kapha have to reorganize themselves. The digestive fire (Agni) also needs more energy to cope with the challenging conditions. The wet and cold weather is a challenge for your physical and mental strength.

Ayurvedic teachings see the causes of a cold primarily in impaired digestion, an incorrect diet and lifestyle and stress. These factors cause the accumulation of waste products in the metabolism, the Ama, which weakens your body. A weakened immune system is more susceptible to colds.

The winter months cause the cold characteristics of Vata and Kapha, making you more susceptible to tiredness, sluggishness or depression. Physical complaints such as respiratory illnesses or a cold can also be the result. With targeted Ayurvedic treatments, you can regain your balance.

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Causes of colds: Imbalance of the doshas

The word "cold" is not derived from "cold" for nothing: Vata and Kapha are promoted by all the cold properties of the climate. Your diet also plays an important role in regulating the doshas and the development of colds.

In Ayurveda, the various symptoms of a cold are associated with different leading symptoms. A cold (Pratishyaya), cough (Kasa) or shortness of breath (Shvasa) can usually be attributed to an accumulation of too much Vata and Kapha.

Symptoms of colds according to Ayurveda

The following points are among the Ayurvedic causes of colds:

  • Cold wind (increases Vata)
  • Weakened immune system due to physical and mental overload (Vata)
  • Reduced or restricted natural cleansing processes such as coughing, yawning, urination or defecation (Vata)
  • Irritation of the respiratory tract due to smoking, dust etc. (Vata)
  • Ingestion of cold food
  • Cold wetness (Kapha)
  • Blocked pathways due to indigestible food (Agni, Kapha)
  • Incorrect or faulty diet (Vata, Kapha, Agni)

Depending on your symptoms, you can determine the bioenergy responsible. In an initial self-diagnosis, you can determine whether you are suffering from a Vata cold (dry cough, rough mucous membranes, tension pain and immune deficiency) or a Kapha cold (runny nose, watery eyes, aching limbs, tiredness). Additional symptoms of Pitta, such as inflammation or fever, can quickly turn a cold into a real flu.

Cold symptoms according to the doshas

The different symptoms depend on your respective Dosha typei.e. the distribution of bioenergies in your body. This requires appropriate methods of treatment. Above all, your diet and the support of healing Ayurvedic herbs and self-treatments make a major contribution.

Vata Pitta Kapha
- Dry mucous membranes
- Thin secretions
- Sneezing
- Dry and intense cough
- Hoarseness
- Shortness of breath due to constricted airways
- Pain
- Feeling cold
- Weakness
- Sudden and rapid onset of illness
- Focus on the inflammatory component
- Reddened mucous membranes
- Pus formation; yellowish-green secretions
- Feeling of heat or fever
- Thirst
- Burning sensation
- Thick, clogged secretions
- Moist cough
- Shortness of breath due to congestion
- Feeling cold
- Tiredness and sluggishness
- Slow development of symptoms and course of the disease

Strengthen the immune system with Ayurveda

Colds can be treated and prevented using Ayurvedic methods. Above all, it is important to change your diet and lifestyle in order to balance the imbalance of your doshas. By strengthening your immune system in the long term, you will be better able to ward off colds in the future.

Special Ayurvedic spices and herbs also help to build up your immune system and strengthen your digestive fire. In addition, cleansing and calming Ayurvedic rituals help to strengthen your physical and mental energies. In Ayurveda, self-massage and gargling help with sore throats and other cold symptoms.

11 tips against colds from Ayurvedic teachings

Ayurvedic health teachings offer a variety of natural methods against colds. With the right Ayurvedic diet and treatment, you can quickly regain your strength and ward off colds in the future.

Tips against colds in Ayurveda

Tip #1: Pay attention to your diet

If you have a cold, your diet should focus primarily on warm and easily digestible foods. It is best to cook with ghee or high-quality oils to provide your body with good fats. Vegetable soups or stews are ideal for this, preferably with green, bitter vegetables.

Especially during a cold, you should make sure you drink enough fluids. In addition to warm herbal teas and ginger water, golden milk (more on this below) is also ideal as a tonic. With the help of Ayurveda, you can eliminate mucus and regain your strength.

Below you will find a simple recipe for an Ayurvedic cold drink.

Instructions for the ayurvedic cold drink


  • 300 ml water
  • 1 small cinnamon stick
  • 2-4 slices of ginger
  • ½ tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp honey


  1. First bring the water and spices to the boil in a pan for about 10 minutes.
  2. Allow the mixture to cool slightly and then add the honey.

Tip #2: Ayurvedic nasal rinse to clear out mucus

Ayurveda knows many helpful home remedies that can be used to treat a cold. If you have the beginnings of a cold, oiling your nose with four drops of sesame oil for example, will relieve your cold. Oil pulling in the morning also helps against the common cold by cleansing your mouth.

A nasal rinse (Jala Neti) can be performed to remove mucus with Ayurveda. This involves rinsing the nose with an isotonic salt water solution, which is best done with a neti pot or jug.

Tip #3: Inhale essential oils

Inhaling essential oils clears your airways and calms your nervous system. You can either inhale the oils directly in hot water or diffuse them in a room using a suitable nebulizer. This allows you to inhale the oils throughout the day.

Tip #4: Ayurvedic herbal teas

Ayurvedic herbal teas also help to strengthen your immune system. The holy basil "Tulsi" is considered to be particularly invigorating. It cleanses your body, reduces fever and relieves headaches. 

A classic ginger tea strengthens your digestive fire and helps to balance your doshas. In Ayurveda, ginger is also considered an expectorant food that will speed up your recovery.

Tip #5: Consciously practise relaxation

From an Ayurvedic perspective, the cold months are particularly suitable for retreating inwards. You can strengthen your body with extensive rest breaks and moments of relaxation. 

Ayurvedic relaxation techniques such as meditation or mindfulness exercises are ideal for achieving greater balance. The combination of Ayurveda and yoga also helps to consciously harmonize body, mind and soul.

Tip #6: Panchakarma or immune power cure

The Panchakarma cure can help for intensive cleansing and a stronger immune system. Toxins are removed from the body and the body and mind are cleansed. As a result, your self-healing powers are activated and your body can fight off colds more easily. 

The Immunpower cure additionally strengthens the body's defenses. It helps you to regain your balance after a cold and replenish your energy stores. The gentle detoxification flushes all pathogens out of the body. With the subsequent intestinal build-up, your doshas are brought into harmony and your microbiome is sustainably strengthened. This provides an immune boost and pampers body, mind and soul.

Tip #7: Ayurvedic self-massage

Relaxing ayurvedic self-massages with warm sesame or almond oil help to relax and regenerate your body. Your nervous system and the microbiome of your skin are calmed, which strengthens the natural protection against bacteria. Self-massage also relieves aching limbs caused by a cold.

Ayurveda cure for colds

Tip #8: Turmeric as a natural remedy

Turmeric is said to have anti-inflammatory properties that are ideal for combating cold symptoms. A paste can be made from turmeric powder and water, which is best taken daily. This strengthens your digestion and reduces the risk of infection. The so-called "golden milk" also has a positive effect on your immune system.

Instructions for turmeric paste & golden milk


  • 1 tbsp turmeric (powder)
  • 120 ml pure water
  • Freshly grated ginger
  • A pinch of nutmeg
  • A pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 350 ml plant milk (depending on preference)

Preparation of the paste

  1. Pour the 120 ml water into a pan with the turmeric powder and freshly grated ginger.
  2. Bring to the boil, stirring evenly, and stir in the nutmeg.
  3. Allow everything to simmer until a slightly liquid paste forms.

Preparation of golden milk

  1. To make a cup of golden milk, heat the plant milk and stir in the turmeric paste evenly.
  2. You can vary the strength to suit your taste. A teaspoon is recommended for a mild taste, while turmeric lovers can stir in up to a tablespoon.
  3. Once the paste is well mixed in, add coconut oil, cinnamon and pepper to taste. Finally, stir everything together again and the golden milk is ready.

The turmeric paste will keep for about 5 to 7 days in the fridge in a preserving jar.

Tip #9: Ayurvedic gargling for a sore throat

Salt water is an effective method against acute sore throats and inflamed mucous membranes. Make sure you use high-quality salt for the expectorant gargle solution. Dissolve the salt in warm water and then gargle for at least 30 seconds. For quick results, it is best to use twice a day.

Tip #10: Foods that strengthen the immune system

Your body needs the right foods to optimally support your immune system. In Ayurveda, foods that strengthen the immune system primarily include steamed vegetables and warming spices. Ginger and turmeric support your immune system and also aid your digestion.

Tip #11: Fill up on vitamin D

Although the human body can produce up to 80 percent of vitamin D itself, it needs sunlight to do so. That's why you should get out into the fresh air and soak up the sun, even if you have a cold. All you need to do is wrap up warm and sit on the balcony with your face in the sun.

Ayurveda Detox

Read more: Ayurveda detox

In our hectic and fast-paced world, there is often no time for healthy and wholesome food. A healthy diet is often neglected. With an Ayurveda detox cure, your body is detoxified, your soul can breathe a sigh of relief and your mind can focus on the essentials again.

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