Ayurveda types overview: Determine your Ayurveda type with our Dosha test

Determining the doshas is a central area of Ayurvedic healing and life science. The interaction between the physical and mental levels of each person is unique and incomparable. In Ayurveda, "being healthy" means being in inner balance with the doshas.

Your three doshas: Vata, Pitta & Kapha

Each of the three doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha consists of two of the five elements ether, air, fire, water and earth. In addition to these three basic types, there are also various mixed types. According to Ayurvedic teachings, very few people can be clearly assigned to just one dosha type.

The Ayurvedic types are very complex and depend on many different factors. The doshas embody three bioenergies that influence your body, your environment and your entire being. Your mental, emotional and physical dispositions are guided by the doshas.

These predispositions include your temperament, your likes and dislikes, your nutritional needs and your constitution. This is determined by the composition of the doshas you were born with. Just like every person, your dosha composition is unique.

The constitutional types arise from this composition. The ultimate goal is to achieve a harmonious balance of the doshas. With the help of a consultation and pulse diagnosis, you can discover your personal composition. And you can live according to your individual type. In the sense of health, harmony and contentment.

Incidentally, every person has all three doshas, although one type always dominates. The Ayurvedic way of life aims to find harmony between the three principles individually. 

According to Ayurveda, every person has an individual constitution that shapes their physique, characteristics and susceptibility to illness. You can use the following Ayurveda type test to find out your most pronounced dosha. Answer as spontaneously and honestly as possible - you can also tick or skip several times per line.

Physique light, slim, large or very small regular shapes, medium build well developed, rather broad structures
Skin dry, cool, veins clearly visible smooth, warm, pink, frequent acne, freckles soft, moist, cool, bright
Hair dry, wiry, not very dense fine, soft, early gray, high hairline thick, soft, oily, dense, deep hairline
Nails brittle, narrow, irregular thin, soft, medium, regular thick, wide, regular
Eyes restless, dry, narrow, small penetrating, photosensitive, medium steady, moist, large, calm, shiny
Teeth irregular regular, medium regular, large
Appetite variable strong moderate
Eats best.... warm, sweet, nutritious, soup, cooked not too hot, sweet, extensive, raw food hot, sour spicy
Feeling thirsty medium strong little
Bowel movement irregular, flatulence, not every day once or several times a day, soft, strong odor regular, well-formed, bright, somewhat sluggish
Urine Slight yellow or dark coloration yellow, strong urine odor Hardly any color or milky cloudy
Sweat hardly Strong with odor Often cold sweat, slight odor
Sleep easily disturbed, gets by with little medium but intensive Strong and persistent
Body weight low medium large
Perceptiveness fast good slowly
Memory good Short term medium Very good Long-term
Nervousness more often sometimes hardly
Self-confidence fluctuating good very good
Poorly tolerated ... Cold and windy weather Heat cold and damp weather
Mental properties enthusiastic, sensitive, creative spirited, critical, talented difficult to upset, tolerant
Your constitution type is Vata.
You can find products tailored to your type here.
Your constitution type is Pitta.
You can find products tailored to your type here.
Your constitution type is Kapha.
You can find products tailored to your type here.

In harmony with your constitutional type

The energies that permeate your body and mind can also make you ill. "Dosha" literally means "that which corrupts" and thus symbolizes the ability to "corrupt" your body. However, these disease-causing forces only occur if there is an imbalance of energies within you.

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For this very reason, a harmonious balance between Vata, Pitta and Kapha is essential for your health, energy and happiness. You feel a balance between body, mind and soul and feel healthy, fit and powerful. You are ready to shape your life according to your own ideas. Because you are worth it.

The Vata type

The Vata type stands for the elements air and ether and symbolizes the principle of movement. If you feel the urge to travel and discover, explore and change, you tend to be a Vata type. People with a high proportion of Vata are often erratic and very flexible. Classic characteristics are a fine physique and dry skin. Too much Vata manifests itself in discouragement and general dissatisfaction.

In Ayurveda, the Vata type is encouraged to eat hot meals more often. If you have a Vata deficiency, you can compensate for this with hot and bitter spices.

Vata type food

You inspire others with your open nature. You find it easy to make contacts and you have a very talkative, sensitive personality. You have great ideas in your head and are bursting with creativity. You are enthusiastic when you are allowed to learn something, change your life and when new things come your way.

Because you are always involved in several projects at the same time, you often find it difficult to concentrate on one thing at a time. This has a negative impact on your stamina in the long term. As a Vata type, you also like to be on the go, are very active and therefore enjoy traveling.

As a Vata type, you should pay particular attention to the following points:

  • Stress management: reduce stress, inner tension and anxiety
  • Reduce Vata-increasing factors such as noise, computer work and electrosmog
  • Enjoy your meal in peace and plan a 15-30 minute break afterwards
  • Avoid sensory overstimulation
  • Enjoy at least three warm meals a day with enough fat and protein
  • Do not reheat your food, always prepare it fresh
  • Cook your food with ghee and use little salt
  • Drink hot water, ginger and herbal teas regularly
  • Avoid Vata-increasing foods such as pulses, millet and onions
  • Use warming spices such as ginger, fennel and cinnamon
  • Benefit from tissue-building foods such as oats, root vegetables and nuts
  • Relax with saffron milk and warm oil massages in the evening
  • Express your desire for communication and creativity
  • Cultivate your interest in philosophy, holism and spirituality
  • Develop positive habits and rituals for yourself
  • Practice patience, self-discipline, composure and perseverance

The Pitta type

The Pitta type represents the elements of fire and water and tends to have temperamental outbursts. You are a charismatic leader with a penchant for perfectionism. People with a lot of Pitta often have an athletic build, good circulation and tend to have greasy hair.

It is important that you do not fuel your fire any further. This is why many spices are rather disadvantageous for you as a Pitta type. They often disrupt digestion and should be regulated with naturally sweet foods, green vegetables and raw foods.

Personality of the Pitta type

If you are a Pitta type, you are a dynamic and impressive personality. You are enthusiastic about sport, games and competition. You like to show off your energy and physical and mental performance. Sometimes you are a little dominant and overestimate yourself and your energy.

For this reason, you may run the risk of overstepping yourself and disregarding your boundaries. As a Pitta type, you love to talk and are passionate in debates.

As a Pitta type, you should pay particular attention to the following points:

  • Enjoy regular meals and don't let cravings develop
  • Make sure you have a rich and nutritious lunch
  • Enjoy and chew your food slowly and consciously
  • Create a balance through sporting activities
  • Enjoy cooling foods such as fresh salads, melon and cucumber
  • Avoid acidic fruit and vegetables, dairy products, alcohol and coffee
  • Avoid hot spices, salty foods and hot foods
  • Choose mainly green and sweet vegetables
  • Use your potential, intelligence, leadership and perseverance
  • Transform your tendency towards aggression, anger, resentment and irascibility into positive thoughts
  • Overcome your desire for control and perfection
  • Practice inner contentment, helpfulness, tolerance and serenity

The Kapha type

The Kapha type stands for the elements water and earth and symbolizes the principle of stability. You have a level-headed, deliberate nature, which manifests itself in purposeful, concentrated actions. Consistent values are important to you, which can lead to inflexible routines or isolation.

To prevent lethargy and binge eating, as a Kapha type you should consciously focus on exercise. On the other hand, you can stimulate your inner fire with hot and bitter spices. Bitter vegetables, such as spinach or chicory, are also ideal for this type.

Determination characterizes the Kapha type

As a Kapha type, your balanced personality makes you the rock of stability for many people. You always react thoughtfully and prudently, which is also reflected in your lifestyle: You feel most at ease when working calmly and steadily and you are good with money.

You are successful in your job. People particularly appreciate your reliability. However, you can also be very resentful and are not easily persuaded to change your mind. As a Kapha type, you love water, the sun and warmth.

As a Kapha type, you should pay particular attention to the following points:

  • Enjoy small meals and eat a maximum of three times a day
  • Avoid snacks, eating early in the morning and late at night
  • Make sure you exercise regularly before or after eating
  • Prepare appetizing meals for yourself
  • Avoid sweet, sour, heavy, oily, salty and cold foods
  • Use hot, bitter and stimulating spices in every meal
  • Avoid cheese, milk and animal proteins
  • Enjoy light and tissue-building foods such as barley, artichokes and leafy vegetables
  • Give in to your desire for peace, safety and security
  • Learn to deal with stress properly without resorting to food out of frustration
  • Allow yourself the retreat that is necessary for your personal balance
  • Represent your own interests
  • Practice physical and mental activity, self-discipline, willpower and truthfulness

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