Atopic dermatitis is characterized by very itchy skin and inflammation. Although atopic dermatitis is very stubborn, Ayurvedic treatment methods can provide lasting relief. You can find out how Ayurveda helps with atopic dermatitis in this article.
The most important facts in brief: Treating neurodermatitis with Ayurveda
Atopic dermatitis is a skin disease that is mainly caused by prolonged stress and a weak digestive fire. The symptoms of the disease often severely restrict those affected in everyday life. With an Ayurvedic lifestyle and more rest in everyday life, you can alleviate your symptoms in the long term.
Neurodermatitis: causes and symptoms
Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common skin diseases in industrialized countries. In medicine, it is also known as atopic eczema. Although anyone can suffer from atopic dermatitis, children are affected 6 to 10 times more frequently than adults. In children, the first symptoms usually occur before the age of 5.
Children who are affected by the skin disease often develop other allergic diseases. These include hay fever, asthma or food allergies. The enormous itching associated with atopic dermatitis severely restricts the quality of life of those affected.

Conventional medicine primarily prescribes cortisone creams for treatment, which often do little to alleviate the symptoms. The holistic approach in Ayurveda can permanently alleviate the symptoms with natural healing methods.
For treatment, the cause of the illness is investigated to enable a comprehensive diagnosis with subsequent therapy. Your lifestyle and dietary habits as well as your dosha type are taken into account.
Neurodermatitis from an Ayurvedic perspective
Atopic dermatitis in children manifests as itchy inflammation on the face, elbows, knees and wrists. In adults, the symptoms primarily appear in the throat, mouth and neck as well as the crooks of the arms and hollows of the knees.
Itchy blisters form on the affected areas, which leads to inflammation, weeping eczema and crust formation due to frequent scratching. In Ayurveda, the cause of neurodermatitis lies in an imbalance of Vata and Kapha. More specifically, there is an imbalance between the nutrient juice (Rasa Dhatu) and blood (Rakta Dhatu).

According to the three doshas, Ayurveda also differentiates between three skin types. The health of your skin depends heavily on the balance between Vata, Pitta and Kapha. If they are balanced, your skin is supplied with all the necessary nutrients and glows healthily.
Different complaints occur depending on which doshas are imbalanced. How does an imbalance of the three doshas arise in the first place? The three most important factors are
- Emotional stress
- Wrong diet
- Unhealthy lifestyle
While (emotional) stress leads to dry skin, too much Ama (undigested food) makes itself felt through a disturbed metabolism. Extreme skin irritation is therefore a clear signal from your body that everything is getting too much.
An unhealthy lifestyle weakens the digestive fire Agni in the long term. This includes a predominantly fatty diet, lots of fast food and little physical exercise. The weakened Agni can then no longer prevent the accumulation of metabolic waste products in your body.
In the long term, this leads to a disruption of your doshas with corresponding consequences for your body. The disease of your skin is a consequence of the metabolic waste products that have entered your bloodstream. A weakened immune system, cold or dry weather as well as emotional factors favor an atopic dermatitis flare-up.
How does Ayurveda help with neurodermatitis skin problems?
Ayurveda is known for its holistic approach to treatment, which is why an anamnesis consultation with an Ayurveda expert takes place first. After a discussion about your complaints and lifestyle habits, your skin is examined. The doctor often works with his own senses.
The pigmentation, shine, color and absorption capacity of your skin are examined. The hands are also used for palpation and the nose for smelling. A pulse diagnosis, eye, lip and tongue diagnosis are also carried out.

Through this holistic examination, the Ayurveda expert gains an insight into the development of your individual illness. Based on this, a therapy is created for you and your needs.
Adapt diet & lifestyle habits
Atopic dermatitis is one of the main signs of too much stress. An adapted, stress-reducing Ayurvedic diet is an important first step in treatment. You should avoid the following foods if you suffer from atopic dermatitis:
- Alcohol
- Sugar
- Wheat products
- Meat and fish
- Sour tasting foods
- Fast food
- Hot spices
These foods cause your body to become agitated, which results in the formation of acids and a stressed gut.

In Ayurveda, light, warm dishes are particularly recommended for neurodermatitis. Make sure they are prepared gently. Foods that give your body a rest and promote digestion include:
- Bitter, fresh salads such as dandelion and endive
- Cooked pulses
- (Pseudo) cereals such as quinoa or oats
- Digestive spices
To ensure that your body really gets a rest and has enough time to digest, you should leave 4-6 hours between meals. The less work your digestive fire has to do, the better your irritated skin will regenerate.
Ayurvedic oils for the treatment
In the treatment of neurodermatitis, certain oils help to alleviate the symptoms. The healthy fats are absorbed through the diet, among other things. A high omega-3 fatty acid content, such as in olive and coconut oil, is important. Ayurvedic ghee is also an important additive for your body.
Various oils are also used externally for stressed skin. Evening primrose oil, neem oil and almond oil are valuable oils that are used for Ayurvedic massages. Relaxing massages for your stressed body are the classic Abhyanga massage or the Upanahasveda massage.

European Ayurveda® massage oil "Inner peace"
This light body and massage oil based on sesame oil has a calming, warming and grounding effect thanks to various herbs. It relaxes stressed and dry skin.
Skin care according to Ayurvedic principles
Instead of cortisone , Ayurveda relies entirely on valuable Ayurvedic medicinal plants and natural products. These include plant oils, products made from ghee and pastes made from fresh or dried herbs.
For external use, there are kits with natural products that are freshly mixed before use as required. The herbal mixtures have the advantage that they can be individually tailored to your needs.
Pay attention to your mental well-being
Overall, it is important that you take care of yourself. Both your physical and mental well-being play a major role in your health. Too much stress in everyday life quickly has a negative effect on you. Make sure you get enough rest, have effective stress management and consciously reduce your stress levels to a minimum.
It is also important that you deal with your fears and worries. If you ignore your psychological problems, this can lead to an atopic dermatitis flare-up. In the long term, a persistent chronic skin disease such as atopic dermatitis can develop.
Psychotherapy can help with acute psychological problems. You will see how quickly your complexion improves when you bring more clarity to your psyche.

In everyday life, you can use relaxation techniques to revitalize your body and reduce your stress levels. Integrate breathing exercises, yoga and meditation into your daily routine and make them an integral part of it.
Using Ayurvedic medicinal herbs
One component of the treatment of atopic dermatitis in Ayurveda is the use of medicinal herbs. These are available as teas, powders, pastes or herbal mixtures that you can integrate into your daily routine. These include, for example
- Turmeric
- Cardamom
- Neem
- Triphala
Turmeric is a popular medicinal herb due to its anti-inflammatory effect. Cardamom and neem also have a calming effect and help in the treatment of neurodermatitis. The herbal blend Triphala then helps to regenerate your body.

Ayurveda skin care: tips for radiantly beautiful and well-groomed skin
The appearance of human skin reveals a lot about a person's health and feelings. Here you can find out how Ayurvedic skincare can help you achieve radiantly beautiful and well-groomed skin.