Ayurveda for rheumatism: 5 tips for treatment

Rheumatism has many different clinical pictures that require different treatment approaches. However, the disease of the joints has one thing in common: pain with movement. Instead of drug treatments, Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to treating rheumatism.

The most important facts in brief: Treating rheumatism with Ayurveda

Rheumatism is an umbrella term for various chronic complaints of the musculoskeletal system. The cause is usually the painful wear and tear of the joint cartilage, which is primarily caused by excessive metabolic residues in your body. 

Osteoarthritis is a possible clinical picture of rheumatism, in which there is an age-related breakdown of joint cartilage. In Ayurveda , the disease is treated holistically, with a particular focus on your lifestyle.

Ayurveda for rheumatism: causes and symptoms

Joint problems are an increasing problem in modern society. Ayurveda described the signs, symptoms and treatment options years ago. In Ayurvedic teachings, rheumatoid arthritis is classified as a Vata disease.

Causes of rheumatism according to Ayurvedic teachings

According to Ayurveda, rheumatism is caused by too much metabolic residue (Ama) and increased Vata in the body. Ama develops over a longer period of time and is promoted by the wrong diet at the wrong time.

For example, eating a meal that is difficult to digest in the evening is not recommended. This is because the digestive fire (agni) diminishes in the evening, causing ama to become trapped in the body and clogging the body's channels.

Causes of rheumatism in Ayurveda

Ama is produced in your body on two levels:

  • Local ama, which is normally produced in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Systemic Ama, which is also found on the systemic levels

If Vata is also elevated in your body, Vata-Ama develops. Rheumatic complaints can then increase significantly. As soon as Vata ama also combines with Kapha, the disease spreads to the bone tissue.

Vata is responsible for the bioenergy in you and stands for lightness, movement and imagination. The dosha increases if you constantly overexert yourself, sleep too little and are under a lot of stress. The resulting poor sleep, restlessness and nervousness cause Vata to increase.

The first step towards healing is therefore to adapt your diet and lifestyle to suit your individual constitution.

Determine Ayurveda types

Ayurveda types overview: Determine your Ayurveda type with our Dosha test

The determination of the doshas represents a central area of Ayurvedic healing and life science. The interaction between the physical and psychological levels of each person is unique and incomparable.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

The symptoms of rheumatism can vary. However, the disease usually manifests itself through stiffness and persistent pain. The typical symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include

  • Painful, swollen or stiff limbs
  • The affected joints are symmetrically affected on both sides of the body (especially hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders and feet)
  • Stiffness in the morning or after sleeping/sitting for a long time
  • Appearance of nodules at pressure points on the body (e.g. elbows or finger joints)
  • General feeling of illness and exhaustion, possibly also moderate fever as well as lack of appetite and weight loss

5 tips against rheumatism with Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, every joint, every cartilage and every tissue is considered to be alive. And where there is life, change is also possible. Below you will find 5 tips from Ayurveda that help against rheumatic complaints.

Tips against rheumatism from Ayurveda

Tip #1: Take a cure for rheumatism

An important step in the treatment of rheumatism is an Ayurvedic cleansing cure. This allows you to remove longstanding waste products and toxins from your body. A Panchakarma cure can work wonders for rheumatism.

External applications with herbal stamp massages and deep cleansing from the inside ensure the elimination of toxins. Aromatic oils and massages with herbal preparations further help to regenerate your body.

The Panchakarma cure first strengthens Agni in order to subsequently be able to eliminate Ama. Unlike conventional medicine, Ayurveda takes into account the connection between diet and lifestyle. According to this view, an imbalance can also be brought back into balance.

There is no need for pharmaceuticals, nor are there any undesirable side effects. Your Ayurveda expert will put together a diet plan tailored to your individual needs. This will strengthen Agni and allow the digestive fire to do its job properly.

Tip #2: Adapt your lifestyle

In order to strengthen and stimulate Ama, a healthy lifestyle is important - as is an adapted Ayurvedic diet. This includes getting enough sleep, avoiding nicotine and alcohol, eating regular meals and avoiding stress.

Avoiding sleeping during the day and being awake at night will also improve your rheumatic disease. Yoga, meditation and targeted breathing exercises also take the pace out of your everyday life.

Appropriate and regular movement of the joints is also important for promoting blood circulation. This also increases synovial fluid and stabilizes the muscles.

Tip #3: Optimize your eating style

In order to achieve a long-term improvement in your health, a dosha-appropriate diet is crucial. For the treatment of rheumatism, a change in eating habits is almost inevitable.

Ayurvedic nutrition against rheumatism

Easily digestible foods made from fresh and seasonal produce are good for promoting Agni. You should also avoid some combinations of foods so as not to make your digestive fire's work more difficult.

Tip #4: Ayurvedic herbal preparations

There are special Ayurvedic herbs that are extracted from a variety of different medicinal plants. They can be administered both internally and externally and support your holistic health.

The effect of the herbs is based on taste, property and specific behavior. The treatment principle includes both the appeasement of ama and the elimination of the damage caused.

Tip #5: Look at your own psyche

It is also important for holistic treatment to take your mental state into account. To do this, you need to take an honest look at yourself and identify the areas of your life in which you feel burdened.

The symptoms of an illness are your body's way of telling you something. It is therefore all the more important that you listen carefully. See the illness as an opportunity to change your life in a positive way.

Relaxation exercises, massages and meditation help to relieve your psyche. Accompanying psychotherapy to treat the physical symptoms is also helpful.

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