If your everyday life challenges you, this can result in tiredness and fatigue. Lack of energy clouds your view of beautiful things and you are less able to appreciate positive experiences. In this article, you can find out why this happens and what you can do to combat persistent tiredness.
Reasons for lack of energy in everyday life
The causes of persistent tiredness are varied and can be of both psychological and physical origin. In addition to stress or a permanent overload, major emotions such as sadness also lead to fatigue. Incorrect or poor nutrition and insufficient fluid intake further increase the lack of energy.
Sleep is also an important factor when it comes to your energy levels. If your body is in too few deep sleep phases, it cannot process information and impressions adequately. As a result, you are less able to concentrate and feel unbalanced and tired.
Below we give you ten simple tips on how you can increase your energy levels in everyday life. You will also find out how Ayurveda can help you to have more energy and zest for life.
10 tips for more energy in everyday life
The following tips will help you to banish tiredness and get through the day with more energy.
Tip #1: Start the day with stretching and exercise
Just ten minutes of stretching every morning is enough to get your body going and provide it with energy. You strengthen your body and your condition and prevent muscle cramps at the same time.
If you're not a fan of stretching, you can also go jogging or go for a short bike ride in the morning. The type of exercise doesn't matter as long as you're moving. Exercise boosts your energy levels and makes you feel fresher and fitter afterwards.
Tip #2: Alternating shower for quick energy
One thing in particular helps to boost your energy levels: a contrast shower. Alternating between cold and warm water awakens your spirits and boosts your circulation. Your blood vessels open up and act as a natural source of energy for the body.
Tip #3: A balanced diet for more energy
In addition to the external influence on your energy, your energy levels can of course also be boosted from within with the right nutrition. Some situations in everyday life require a quick energy boost, such as before an exam or sports session.
A balanced breakfast is essential to start the day feeling energized. Your body needs vitamins and nutrients to function properly. Wholemeal bread, oatmeal, fresh fruit and vegetables provide your body with exactly this long-lasting energy.
Also set yourself fixed times when you eat. Regular meals regulate your blood sugar levels, prevent hypoglycaemia and increase your energy levels.
The following foods are ideal for a portion of extra energy:
- Bananas, apples, oranges
- Walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds
- Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries
- Dried apricots, dates, figs
- Avocado
- Ginger tea, black tea, coffee
- Scrambled eggs, hard-boiled egg
- Dark chocolate (at least 70 % cocoa content)
When it comes to regulating your energy balance, a balanced balanced, Ayurvedic diet makes a major contribution. Processed foods with lots of sugar or alcohol make you tired and have a negative effect on your body in the long term. Make sure you eat fresh and healthy foods that provide your body with long-term energy.
Tip #4: Fresh air to combat tiredness
A high oxygen content in the brain increases your performance and makes you alert. Cool air further enhances this effect. All it takes is an open window or regular airing out.
If you can find the time, a walk is an even more effective way to boost your energy levels. You can also soak up the sun, which will boost your energy and mood.
Tip #5: Drink enough water
To keep your body functioning properly, it needs plenty of fluids. You should drink at least one and a half to two liters of still water or unsweetened tea per day. If you are active in sports, even more. The consequences of a lack of fluids include poor concentration and listlessness.
Tip #6: Power nap to combat tiredness
Due to the human biorhythm, most people become tired and unfocused, especially at lunchtime. In addition to a good night's sleep, your body requires a second rest phase. You can reliably recharge your energy levels with a 15 to 30-minute power nap.
Tip #7: Laughing makes you happy and awake
When you laugh, your body releases happiness hormones that stimulate your blood circulation. Whether you are meeting up with friends, watching a funny series or doing laughter yoga, laughter transports more oxygen to your brain. At the same time, your body reduces stress hormones and you feel fitter and more energetic.
Tip #8: Stress management
Acute stress increases your metabolism in the short term due to adrenaline and cortisol, but depletes your energy levels in the long term. Signs of stress can include sleep disorders, cold hands and feet or weight gain. Proven strategies for coping with stress include meditation, exercise and breathing exercises.
Tip #9: Conscious coffee consumption
Coffee has a reputation for being the "cure" for tiredness and poor concentration and for increasing receptivity. While a coffee in the morning stimulates your metabolism, excessive coffee consumption is harmful to your body.
You should reduce your coffee consumption to have more energy overall. Water or unsweetened tea and a good dose of fresh air are better.
Tip #10: A good work-life balance
It may sound banal, but it is crucial for a healthy energy balance: a good balance between work and private life. However, it is also important that you don't get bogged down in leisure stress because you want to make the most of it. Consciously take time for yourself and your loved ones and make a clear distinction between work and leisure time.
Get more energy with Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, both mental and physical energies are balanced and your bioenergies (doshas) are regulated. There are also various Ayurvedic herbs and practices that help to promote energy balance.
In any case, you need to know about your doshas and their distribution in your body. You can find this out with our dosha test. Each dosha takes care of the maintenance of your mental and physical energy differently. If your individual body constitution is out of balance, your energy level drops at the same time.
As soon as you know which dosha dominates you, you can restore your inner balance with the help of an Ayurvedic balance cure. If your inner self is well, your whole body will be well. Your energy returns and you feel fitter and more motivated.
Conclusion: Ayurvedic principles for more energy
There are a few simple tips that you can integrate into your everyday life to maintain a healthy energy balance and prevent phases of listlessness. This will make you feel better, which in turn will be reflected in increased energy levels.
- Make sure you get enough sleep
- Make sure you eat a healthy diet
- Provide your body with sufficient fluids
- Exercise in the fresh air
- Do sport and exercise regularly
- Avoid stress or manage it with yoga and meditation
- Tanke Sonne