Building a positive mindset: How to train and strengthen your attitude

With a positive mindset, you can steer your life in a sustainable direction. This also strengthens your mental health and allows you to go through life happily. In this article, you can find out how you can achieve more positivity for your mindset with the help of Ayurveda.

The importance of a positive mindset

Mindset" refers to your personal collection of beliefs . Your mindset can change or expand again and again over the years and as a result of various events. Your upbringing, childhood and environment have a particularly strong influence on you. Above all, however, you can work on reducing negative mechanisms and strengthening a positive mindset.

If you tend to have a pessimistic outlook, you are automatically more likely to notice negative events in life. This affects your quality of life and shapes the attitude with which you start the day every morning. It also shapes the way you treat yourself and your fellow human beings.

Growth mindset vs. fixed mindset

The mindset also includes the so-called growth mindset. This refers to how you deal with problems, challenges and tasks. Do you approach things in your life rather cautiously or with a lot of self-confidence? Do you see the glass as half full or half empty? Do you prefer to focus on limitations or do you see new opportunities around every corner? 

Improve mindset

If you have a growth mindset, ...

  • ... you like to develop yourself in all areas and believe that anything is achievable with enough effort.
  • ... you realize your life dreams and wishes because you believe in yourself and in taking things into your own hands.
  • ... you can deal with mistakes and failures in a relaxed manner, because this also shows you where you can grow further.
  • ... you don't make your chances of success dependent on your background or natural talent.

The opposite of the growth mindset is the fixed mindset, where you ...

  • ... are convinced that everything depends purely on personal talent.
  • ... actively learn and make an effort to get positive feedback from outside.
  • ... see mistakes and failures as a threat and devaluation of your person.

In order to achieve a positive mindset, you must first realize that you can always learn and grow. You are completely free to learn more and develop yourself further. 

It is also important to realize that failure or mistakes are not a bad thing, but rather an opportunity to move forward.

More positivity for your mindset with European Ayurveda®

In addition to a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, a strengthened mindset plays an important role in Ayurveda. This is the only way to achieve sustainable well-being and health. With the right mindset, you can survive the demands of everyday life and the stress that has a negative impact on your mood and your body. 

Your mindset is decisive for how you act in everyday life and therefore also for a healthy and happy life. The more positive your mindset is, the more positively you tackle each day. Just a few minutes a day are enough to create a reliable source of moments of happiness. For example, with an Ayurvedic balance cure to gain additional strength.

A positive mindset in European Ayurveda® is characterized by your confidence in achieving your goals. Despite challenges and obstacles, you believe in yourself and your success. With the following tips, you can improve your mindset and promote sustainably strengthened thinking.

#1: Mindfulness and presence

An Ayurvedic mindset is characterized by mindfulness and presence in the present moment. It is about observing thoughts without getting lost in them and concentrating on the here and now. How and what do you think throughout the day? What does your (mental) self-talk look like? Mindfulness helps you to improve your mental clarity and connect better with your body.

Stay with yourself and try to detach yourself from comparisons with others. Conscious gratitude for the beautiful situations and things in life can also help you to look positively at the present moment. Try to consciously limit the constant consumption of negative content (TV, social media, news, etc.).

#2: Self-confidence and self-acceptance

Your thoughts have a significant influence on your well-being. Your inner critic is also part of you, so learn to accept and understand it. If you understand where the critical voices in your head come from, you can work with them and strengthen your self-acceptance.

Alongside any criticism of yourself, always find something positive and encouraging. Only when you accept yourself can you develop your full potential. This will improve your mental health and strengthen your self-esteem in the long term.

#3: Healthy indulgence

A healthy and balanced diet is not only good for your body, but also has a positive effect on your mindset. When you feel stronger and fitter, your mood improves and so does your mindset. 

Strengthen your mindset with nutrition

Consciously take the time to cook fresh, homemade food to give your body the best possible nourishment.

#4: Stress reduction

A positive state of mind makes it easier for you to deal with stress and reduce it. In Ayurveda, stress is a common cause of illness and health problems. 

You can counteract stress through meditation, breathing exercises or exercise, for example. Exercise in the fresh air causes your body to produce endorphins, which naturally help to combat stress.

#5: Meditation and gentle movement

By starting each morning with a conscious session of calm and concentration, you can focus your gaze inwards. Meditation helps you to calm your mind, reduce stress and center yourself. 

The duration of the meditation is less important than the intensity with which you experience it. Get out of your comfort zone and get to know yourself!

Training your mindset with meditation

Physical exercise, regardless of the intensity, boosts your mood and has a positive effect on your mindset. Exercise releases endorphins, which lead to a better oxygen supply in the blood. They also have a natural anti-stress effect.

#6: Positive affirmations

A positive state of mind in Ayurveda also includes positive thinking and the use of affirmations. By consciously directing and cultivating your thoughts, you overcome negative thought patterns and self-doubt more easily. This gives you an optimistic attitude, which improves your general well-being.

The right books (such as From the Head to the Heart) or podcasts can provide positive inspiration here. Tip: In our Balance magazine you will not only find exciting knowledge about Ayurveda, but also tips for more lightness and self-love through the bioenergy Vata.

Develop a positive mindset in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, there are different approaches to training a positive mindset. Our diary - Exercise & Nutrition & Mind Detox with suitable affirmations can help here.

Building a positive mindset

  • Self-reflection: Regular self-reflection helps you to develop further and analyze your thought patterns and attitudes. In this process, you can filter out negative thoughts and replace them with positive beliefs in the best possible way.
  • Goal setting: By defining your personal goal and finding out your "why", you will find it easier to stick to your goals. Try to find time every day to visualize your focus.
  • Changes: Sometimes it feels like you're stuck. This makes it all the more important to actively change things and do things differently. By always staying within your comfort zone, you restrict yourself from developing further. Dare to change your perspective and approach things differently. Try out new things!
  • Celebrate successes: Celebrating successes, no matter how big or small, is important for a positive mindset. It's all about being aware of all the things you have changed and achieved. Surround yourself with the right people who are good for you and celebrate with you.
  • Be patient: Change is not linear, it takes patience. In order to loosen up your "old" mindset and allow new thoughts, you need time above all. This is the only way to change and strengthen your mindset in the long term.

The positive mindset from a psychological perspective

The positive mindset is a generic term for various topics in positive psychology. Your psyche has a significant influence on your mental and physical health. Accordingly, your health can also be influenced and controlled by your thoughts.

Stress is a good example: persistent stress has been proven to have a negative impact on your health and can result in a lack of energy and reduced concentration. In the worst case scenario, constant mental stress can lead to burnout. This makes it all the more important that you take care of yourself. Professional coaching and emotional and psychological support can also help.

Consciously reduce stress factors and learn to say "no". Too many people think that stress means always having to make the most of life and do everything. But this approach is completely wrong, because only when you know when enough is enough will you really have your life under control. You will achieve all your goals, but you will stay healthy and happy.

Conclusion: Positive mindset through European Ayurveda®

Your mindset affects your quality of life and shapes the attitude with which you go through life. With Ayurveda, you can find a holistic solution to train your mindset. Meditation, exercise, nutrition and positive affirmations work hand in hand.

You can boost your self-confidence by taking a mindful look inwards. Meditation and gentle exercise provide balance, happiness hormones and reduce stress. The right diet lifts your mood and ensures a better mindset in the long term. Finally, positive affirmations allow you to consciously think positive thoughts again and again and overcome negative thought patterns and self-doubt more easily. This will strengthen your mindset in the long term!

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